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- New
- Koc Outdoors
- SR000634
- 3GRS1FE21SR000634
- Trailers
- Equipment Trailers
2025 Buckshot Trailers Gauge 22R 22' Bumper Pull
6" Channel Frame
2" Rubrail Sides
3" Channel at 16" Centers
26" Deck Height
83" Deck Width
9" x 72" 14ga Replaceable Fenders
Front Bump Rail
Steps on Both Sides
2" Pine Lumber
36" x 38" Sheet Metal Fold Up Ramps
Pipe Spools
5' Dovetail w/ 2 Flip-Over Ramps
2 5/16" Adjustable Coupler
12k Drop-Leg Jack
Grade 70 3/8" Safety Chains
8k Electric Brake Axles with EZ Lube Hubs
6 Leaf Slipper Spring Suspension
Molded Sealed Wiring Harness
7-Way Receiver Plug w/ Adapter
Added Toolbox
ST215/75R17.5 16 Ply Tires and Spare
6" Channel Frame
2" Rubrail Sides
3" Channel at 16" Centers
26" Deck Height
83" Deck Width
9" x 72" 14ga Replaceable Fenders
Front Bump Rail
Steps on Both Sides
2" Pine Lumber
36" x 38" Sheet Metal Fold Up Ramps
Pipe Spools
5' Dovetail w/ 2 Flip-Over Ramps
2 5/16" Adjustable Coupler
12k Drop-Leg Jack
Grade 70 3/8" Safety Chains
8k Electric Brake Axles with EZ Lube Hubs
6 Leaf Slipper Spring Suspension
Molded Sealed Wiring Harness
7-Way Receiver Plug w/ Adapter
Added Toolbox
ST215/75R17.5 16 Ply Tires and Spare
- New
- SR000634
- 2025
- Buckshot Trailers
- Trailers
- Equipment Trailers
- 3GRS1FE21SR000634
Advertised pricing excludes applicable taxes title and licensing and are subject to change without notice. Pricing may exclude any added parts, accessories or installation unless otherwise noted. Sale prices include all applicable offers. Not all options listed available on pre-owned models. Contact dealer for details.